Federico Bonelli

  • Born in Rome 13-06-1969, on the internet since 1989
  • Laurea cum laude in Filosofia (1996) (History and Philosophy of Science)
  • Lives in Amsterdam since 2002
  • Italian (mt), English, French, Dutch (Ik kan en heb gewerkt in een Nederlandstalige omgeving. Mijn Frans is vloeiend en voor het Engels heb ik een academisch niveau)._

Direction ad Creative Production

  • SUb Multimedia re_Search lab (2002-2009)
  • Trasformatorio Foundation (2020-2022)
  • Film, documentary, unconventional media rich projects of any type since 1998

Project Management

  • Commonfare (CAPS EU project: https://commonfare.net/ https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/687922)
  • NGI-LEDGER first round (NGI H2020 EU project)
  • Trasformatorio Lab (eight editions, one founded by Culturability EU founds see http://trasformatorio.net)
  • Valuable Project Writing Skills
  • Various types of multimedia productions and projects in the art scene (see linkedin CV cv) from feature film to stadium wide opera. Huge variety of R&D
  • Author of an innovative extension for Agile methodology for special user cases were multi stakeholder projects as in social innovation ref. trasformatorio methodology.
  • FLOSS development in the wild world of media arts since 1991
  • TrustedSeed org

EDGE and Security

  • Part of IoT Council since 2010 https://theinternetofthings.eu/
  • Product Owner of the awareness workshop and designer of the interface (2016-2017).
    • Dowse https://www.sidnfonds.nl/projecten/dowse founded (Dowse was finalist for the ISOC.nl Internet Innovatie Award 2017
  • in house OpSec trainer
  • invited speaker in IoT Day Rotterdam 2018
  • GPG, SSH Keys, confidentiality
  • Continuous Integration
  • NodeRed and IoT research
  • LORA


  • Experience in design for DAPPS applications
  • Co Author Deliverable on privacy by design (DECODE)
  • Human Centric Design for DLT (NGI-LEDGER Europe)
  • Workshops for Token Engineering Europe


  • Git/Gitlab/Github
  • bash
  • some experience with script languages (lua, python, ruby, javascript, php)
  • CMS (Wordpress/Bootstrap/HUGO)


  • Producer for communication events and campaigns (D-Cent, Decode, Commonfare, NGI-LEDGER)
  • Workshops
  • public speech trainer

Wish to learn and make experience with products in these areas:

Negotiation and Collaboration, Conflict management, Cloud Computing, Zero Trust Security, Digital Identity protocols (SSI), graph databases (Neo4J), functional languages, Permaculture

Other Design Related Experience

Permaculture, Creative Multimedia Production, Communication, Game Design, Multimedia Design and Production

Da Vinci Resolve, Creative Coding, Photography, Interaction Design, Field Recording, Sound scaping


  • Permaculture, Aikido, NVC, Radio, Plays Bass


  • PIE-NEWS H2020-ICT-2015 (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/687922)
  • D-CENT https://dcentproject.eu/
  • DECODE https://decodeproject.eu/ | https://decodeproject.eu/team.html
  • LEDGER https://www.ngi.eu/ngi-projects/ledger/ Ask Xabi, https://www.linkedin.com/in/xabi-chao-22031219/?originalSubdomain=esFoundingbox
  • DOWSE https://www.sidnfonds.nl/projecten/dowse
  • Consulting
    • IoT Council (Rob Van Kranenbourg)
    • NGI-SALON https://www.ngi.eu/event/ngi-forward-salon-foundationals-on-participation/ European Commission et. al.
    • LGJ https://legrandjeu.net Max Plank Institute et. al.
  • Trasformatorio https://www.italiachecambia.org/2022/10/trasformatorio-ortiche/

