The exhibition opened as planned the 21st October with all the necessary talks and a lot of public. The research about the theme lasted long, because of the interruption due to Covid-19 spread and blockade. I think that the peek in use of other means of communication, more mediated, and the longing for human contact have left their dent into the theme at level of what came out from this project. I as well think is just a first chapter for a research that deserves to open up to more artists and locations. We shall see in the future.


For the moment I am very proud of having the chance to aprticipate and work with fellow artists and friends to this exibition that, between the other things, proposed a solution to the revolutionary theme of love that goes beyond cultures and genders to hint to a new space, liberated and non oppressive of peace.

Here you find an intervention of the local tv about the opening day